Hey guys. Snit here. I am dieting at the momento, so it's been a bit of a lean lunch box for me of late. I am on the 'Low Fat Pop Tart' diet - recipe book to follow!
So here's what I've been lugging around this week:
(1) Mark Owen - he's very small. Unlike his mobile phone bill.
(2) Low Fat Pop Tarts - the versatile snack that fills a hole like no other
(3) 'Oh Santa' - Mariah Carey's catchy new Christmas offering. It's not 'All I Want For Christmas' but kudos to Maz for churning our a half-decent Xmas number. Christmas has indeed arrived early in the Malone household this year!
I'm off now to film 'Celebrity Taxi Driver' where a group of c-listers spend a week working London taxi's and learning 'The Knowledge'. I'm really excited about working with Vanessa Feltz, Lulu's body double and one of the chimps from the PG Tips advert. I've got strong competition. Wicked!